Jumat, Maret 04, 2011

Yulgang Online : BOT

Case : You want to play yulgang but too lazy to type on your keyboard, click your mouse, and stare at your monitor for a couple hours setan
Solution : use QuickMacro to bot

//Script mulai
VBS dim darah,mana,darahT,manaT
//pendefinisian variable
//gunakan quick macro pick tool untuk mendapatkan nilai (x1,x2,y,color)
UserVar darah=30 If HP<darah%, supply HP
UserVar mana=30 If MP<mana%, supply MP
UserVar darahT=256 Delay setelah mengisi darah(in milliseconds)
UserVar manaT=256 Delay setelah mengisi mana(in milliseconds)
Rem Begin
Delay 50
//Delay untuk meringankan kinerja CPU
Rem HP
//IfColor hong/100*(x2-x1)+x1 y color 2
IfColor darah/100*(45-30)+30 13 313429 2
//x2=Sisi kanan bar HP, x1=Sisi kiri bar HP
//y=Y axis dari center bar HP, color=warna ketika bar HP kosong
KeyPress 115,1
//Tombol Pot
Delay darahT
//Delay setelah mengisi HP
Rem MP
IfColor mana/100*(45-30)+30 26 313429 2
//x2=Sisi kanan bar MP, x1=Sisi kiri bar MP
//y=Y axis dari center bar MP, color=warna ketika bar MP kosong
KeyPress 116,1
//Tombol Gingseng
Delay manaT
//Delay setelah mengisi MP
Rem Target
MiddleClick 1
Delay 500
Rem Hit
KeyPress 113,1
//Tombol Skill F9
Delay 100
Rem Pick
KeyPress 120,1
Goto Begin
//script selesai


Source : http://sarifuddin-sarif.blogspot.com/2010/03/macro-bot-for-yulgang-online.html