Jumat, Mei 30, 2008

Cloning Hardisk On Linux

- Kangkam -

I have found this article long ago, i never have a chance to try it, but this article still valuable to documented.


Cloning Hardisk (On Linux)

Written by Aris Wendy Sunyoto [aris_wendy at yahoo dot com]
Tuesday, 22 February 2005

Beberap hari lalu Om dadan (genk-ijo) cerita kalo habis cloning hardisk customernya dengan OS linux. Yang bikin lucu dan geli how to nya kok sesimple gitu ya.....Apa nggak ada securitynya atau yang bisa blocking cara seperti itu ?Hanya dengan memasang HD kosong kemudian dengan cara :

1. cat /dev/sda > /dev/sdc &

sudah tercopy semua isinya beserta database yang ada didalamnya... :)) . Hmm jadi penasaran dibuatnya penulis mencoba dengan command lain yaitu :

2. dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdc &


- Kangkam -

Tutorial Howto Configure LTSP and rdesktop

- Kangkam -

This tutorial -howto configure ltsp and rdesktop- create in order to give a report and explanation howto build a network with an "old fashion computers" and lack of resource to upgrade the pc.

There are many tutorials that give an example howto build ltsp with linux as a server but I have almost never find a tutorial that discuss an example on howto build ltsp with windows as a server and linux/fbsd as a carrier

Install Windows Server 2003
Install Terminal Service Windows Server 2003
Install VMWare
Install Mandrake Limited Edition 2005 inside windows server2003 VMWare
install module for DHCP, TFTP, portmapper, nfs dan Xserver in mandrake

Install LTSP using ltsp-4.2u2-0.iso version
-- ltsp inst --
#mount -o loop /downloads/ltsp-4.2u2-0.iso /mnt
#cd /mnt/ltsp-utils
#rpm -ivh ltsp-utils-0.25-0.noarch.rpm
choose Configure the installer option
for a question : Where to retrieve the package from, isikan folder tempat ltsp di mount
type : file://mnt
for a question : In which directory would you like to place the LTSP client tree
just enter to accept default value
next question : http proxy ... enter
next question : ftp proxy ... enter
next question : Correct (y/n/c) press y and than enter
then choose Install/Update LTSP package
there will be shown up a lot of modul-modul LTSP yang akan diinstall
just choose them all to make complete installation :))
after that press Q button to exit
pressing Q button will make LTSP install all module we have choose
after that choose Configure LTSP

!!! please becarefull, double check the /etc/dhcpd.conf, make sure that ltsp will find in the right tftpboot and pxelinux.0 file directory correctly !!!
(my experience : standard konfiguration ltspadmin still looking ltsp, tftpboot dan file pxelinux.0 in the wrong directory)

-- ltsp installation finish --

Install rdesktop
-- rdesktop installation --
#cd /downloads
#tar zxvf rdesktop-1.5.0.tar.gz
#cd rdesktop-1.5.0
#./configure --with-x
#make install

-- rdesktop installation finish--

create user from 1-40 as a limited user in Windows Server 2003


Client installation with pentium III 500 MHz
In my case I still have 6 Gb harddrive so I choose rdesktop FreeBSD with rdesktop
Install FreeBSD standard, yang penting ada Xservernya
Install rdesktop
Create user that can login automatically, add command line in /etc/gettys (i.e. user : vrieda) :
(source : http://keyhell.org/advices.html)

vrieda :\

Then edit line in /etc/gettytab :

ttyv0 "/usr/libexec/getty vrieda" cons25 on secure

Create user so if the type startx in shell, they will be login to rdesktop :
edit /home/user/.xinitrc :
user vrieda :

#pico /home/vrieda/.xinitrc
/usr/local/bin/rdesktop -f -u [userwindows] -p [passworduserwindows] [ipaddresswindows]

Save and reboot ( dont try to blame me if this tutorial not working, i am not good in english anyway)) )

Installation with celeron 333 MHz (doh) plus harddrive under 1 Gb (doooh)
For this "old fashion client" installation we throw the harddrive, the most important is floppy drive, lancard, and vga that still available to use.
Check lancard and vga chipset , in my case, lancard has a chipset DFE-538TX and variation VGA chipset. Mostly using S3, some others Matrox, and the rest using Sis

You can read the list VGA card supported by ltsp in the directory where we download the kernel. Our directory is in /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/vidlist

Because so many VGA Card exist, we add some line in our /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf configuration

#thankyou for Nur Aqwan
#computer 21 with VGA S3 Trio64V+ chipset
X4_MODULE_01 = glx
X_MODE_0 = 640x480
SCREEN_01 = rdesktop -f -u user21 -p 123

#computer 22 with VGA Matrox chipset
X4_MODULE_01 = glx
X_MODE_0 = 640x480
SCREEN_01 = rdesktop -f -u user22 -p 123

#computer 23 with VGA Sis chipset
X4_MODULE_01 = glx
X_MODE_0 = 640x480
SCREEN_01 = rdesktop -f -u user23 -p 123

The last step is to create bootable floopy for client that has no harddrive. (thank you for Taukhid)
Download from http://rom-o-matic.net/ choose the same LanCard as you have
In my case I have LanCard DFE-538TX, so I choose rtl8139:dfe538 - [0x1186,0x1300] with output eb-5.4.3-rtl8139.zdsk
Generate floppy disk. Put in floopy disk into the mandrake server
Then type :

#cat eb-5.4.3-rtl8139.zdsk > /dev/fd0

Boot the client with that floopy disk.


- Kangkam -